Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rogues Gallery

By now you have heard that the President has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Even Saturday Night Live, hardly a bastion of conservative thought, mocked the award. The British seem to think that this is a joke as do many Americans. Here are headlines from the Times Online, a British newspaper's online version.
  • Prize Fools - "The Nobel committee’s award to President Obama demeans the peace prize, appears politically partisan and should embarrass the White House."
  • Barack Obama's peace prize starts a fight - "Gasps echoed through the Nobel Hall in Osloas Barack Obama was unveiled as the winner of the 2009 Peace Prize, sparking a global outpouring of incredulity"

Those are the rational reactions that reasonable people the world over had when the President was awarded, what is arguably the most prestigious prize in the world, without doing anything to earn it.

But this isn't the first time that the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded with questionable reasoning:
This award has become a joke after the Nobel committee has let politics ruin it. Sometimes I just hate politics. By the way the following individuals were nominated but not awarded the prize in deference to the President this year.

  1. Morgan Tsvangirai, the Zimbabwean Prime Minister, has been tortured and imprisoned in defence of democracy.
  2. Denis Muwege, a physician in war-torn Congo, who has opened a clinic to help victims of rape.
  3. Senator Piedad Córdoba has mediated in Colombia’s civil war.
  4. Greg Mortenson, American US army medic, builds schools for Afghan girls in places where warlords and drug dealers kill people for trying.

Any one of these individuals would have been a better choice. Best of all the choice would have been based on actual achievements.

Hat tip to Mac McBride.

1 comment:

  1. don't be dissin jimmy carter, the last christian president we had.
