- The Times of London writes about the inconvenient truths Al Gore is encountering in Copenhagen.
- Canada is under some severe winter weather. (PS They are really close to the polar ice cap.)
- It is snowing in Australia. Remember, it is summertime down under.
This hoax has got to stop. Defenders of global warming are looking sillier and sillier as each day goes by. For your own self respect, just admit you were wrong and lets get beyond this. Insisting that you are right in light of the rapidly growing body of evidence is just ridiculous.
once again short term data means nothing. the argument there is not global warming after a few years of temperature change means little. gore's predictions are wrong. you can get a government scientist to theorize whatever outcome you want. so if warming is false, does this mean we are going into another ice age? the earth has been cycling for thousands of years. welcome to planet earth. watch out for those meteors. now those big rocks could mess things up.