Friday, July 31, 2009

Freedom Of Expression Must Be Limited?

Our friend Hugo Chavez is at it again. Breitbart has this article on his administration's attempt to limit free speech. Wonderful. Are we next? There already are Democrats on Capital Hill trying to limit free speech with the "Fairness Doctrine". Political correctness is all about limiting speech - some things can be said; other things are "offensive" and thus cannot be said. Sadly I fear we aren't far behind the Venezuelans in this problem.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Obama Health Plan

The health plan currently in Congress is very confusing. Here is an official (this is not made up) graphical outline of a flowchart showing how it will all play out. The chart is from Representative John Campbell's official website and shows how convoluted this 1000 page plan is. Hat tip to Hugh Hewitt.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Hollywood Musings

I have also noticed that in TV/movies, when the hero/heroine is a government employee they always excel and work extremely hard. One of my favorite show is In Plain Sight, another story with hard-working, excellent, government employees. Has that been your experience with government?

Is the typical government worker hard-working? Excellent? Brave? These are common themes about government employees coming out of Hollywood. I have only worked in government jobs a couple of times - once as a school teacher, and once in the military. While there are many hard-working teachers, schools as an institution do not excel very often. The military tends to breed excellence, hard work, and bravery but that is a unique government institution.

Methinks that Hollywood is projecting their political philosophy; one in which the best and the bravest are career bureaucrats and/or lawyers into their plot lines without reflecting reality accurately.

Hollywood Pattern

I have noticed a pattern among television shows and movies - the government is always the hero. My favorite shows all fit this pattern: 24, CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, etc... When it isn't a government employee the other common hero is lawyers. It almost never happens that the hero/heroine is someone from the private sector. Instead the villain is usually some non-government person.

In the rare instance when someone from the private sector is the hero, they almost always liberally engage in left-wing politics as part of the plot. This indoctrination shows what is in the minds of Hollywood directors, producers, and screenwriters. We can read their minds as we watch their shows.

What angers me the most is that I never noticed this before, nor have I ever heard anyone else comment upon it. I've seen the liberal bias in many things: newspapers, television news, most cable news, news magazines, universities, most schools, etc... but I never noticed it in the storylines. My bad.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Anti-Obama Rally In Israel

It seems that not everyone is as enamored with the American President as is the American media and Western Europe. While popularity doesn't indicate the strength or weakness of one's argument, too much popularity is dangerous in the hands of most politicians (see Hugo Chavez).

Friday, July 24, 2009

What Are They Thinking?

The more I watch the current administration operate, the more convinced I am that they don't really intend to improve things for the American people. I now believe that the new administration is capitalizing on the good will of the electorate to consolidate their own power and that of their fellow Democrats.