Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hollywood Pattern

I have noticed a pattern among television shows and movies - the government is always the hero. My favorite shows all fit this pattern: 24, CSI, Bones, Criminal Minds, etc... When it isn't a government employee the other common hero is lawyers. It almost never happens that the hero/heroine is someone from the private sector. Instead the villain is usually some non-government person.

In the rare instance when someone from the private sector is the hero, they almost always liberally engage in left-wing politics as part of the plot. This indoctrination shows what is in the minds of Hollywood directors, producers, and screenwriters. We can read their minds as we watch their shows.

What angers me the most is that I never noticed this before, nor have I ever heard anyone else comment upon it. I've seen the liberal bias in many things: newspapers, television news, most cable news, news magazines, universities, most schools, etc... but I never noticed it in the storylines. My bad.

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