Monday, January 18, 2010

Charles Krauthammer is Great!

Yesterday on FoxNews Charles Krauthammer addressed several subjects. Boy is he right on.

On the Senate race in Massachusetts

Well, if we're going to talk about history, this is a state that hasn't elected a [Republican] senator since 1972, and the seat in question has been ... held by a Kennedy or a Kennedy, let's say, associate, or flunky, or some sort, since ...1952. So this is really astonishing.

And if you look at the internals, what's so interesting is about a tenth of the electorate already has cast a vote as an absentee ... And of those, according to the ARG poll, Brown has a 16-point advantage, 58- 42.

And if you look at independents, which were the swing electorate in Virginia and in New Jersey in November, Coakley is behind by over 20 points.

On President Obama's deciding to campaign in Massachusetts:

His risks are huge. It could be a Copenhagen III. He goes [to] Copenhagen, he loses the Chicago Olympics. He returns [to Copenhagen], and he doesn't get anything on climate change. And now he [goes to] Massachusetts, which is even friendlier. He's got to come back with a victory.

On Obama’s deal with unions on taxing health-care plans:

It is a bribe, and that's why it is so unpopular. Look, it's not just a question of it depriving the Treasury of revenue. It's question of equity.

You've got two workers, same type of job, same plan, same income, one of whom is a member of a union. And the guy who isn't [a union member] is going to end up having a tax of 40 percent on his plan, and the other guy is not. And that's simply incredibly unfair. And obviously, it's a corrupt bargain.

What's really hurting the bill here isn't only the opposition on the substance, the half a trillion in cuts in ... Medicare, and half a trillion in taxes. It's the process.

That deals are [being] made corruptly and so openly is astonishing: the "Louisiana Purchase," a cool $300 million for the Landrieu vote; the — what happened in Nebraska, this eternal exemption that Nebraska would have on paying for the extra Medicaid cost; and now the unions.

The reason it's hurting Obama is he ran on the idea that he would change our politics. It would not be driven by special interest. There would not be the secret deals.

And he's done it with the unions, with the pharmaceutical companies, with the doctors, with the hospitals, all in a way that everybody can see. And that's why he's hurting so much in the [personal] polls and on the health care issue itself.

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