Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has tried to minimize the grassroots opposition to the Obama Administration by calling it "astroturf". Astroturf is an "inside baseball" Washington euphemism for a corporate public relations campaign disguised to look like a grass roots citizen movement. By using this term she is attempting to provide the media the excuse they are looking for to ignore the Tea Parties that were held on April 15th, and the voter revolt the Democrats are experiencing in town hall meetings all across America as shown in this YouTube clip.

Her charge is false, the voter revolt started out as a spontaneous grass roots movement that later was joined by like-minded groups. But the truth is not part of how politics is played today. The American media is more interested in enabling the Obama Administration than it is in serving as the Fourth Estate that our system expects it to be. Finding out the truth does not even matter any more to most of them.

Now word comes out that the Democrats are trying to organize demonstrations in favor of the White House agenda. The Speaker is not calling it astroturf, but a genuine grassroots effort.

So let me get this straight. A genuine, unscripted, unorganized (in its initial stages) response to the Obama Administration is astroturf, but a scripted, organized response to them led by the Democrat National Comittee is not astroturf? My head hurts from the changing definitions. Grassroots is astroturf, astroturf is grassroots; can we stick with one definition for a least a day?

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