Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dumber Than Dumb

CNN is reporting that a man carried an AR-15 to an anti-Obama rally outside of where the President was speaking. How dumb can one be? This either is someone who opposes Obama and is just down-right stupid or its one of Obama's supporters trying to make the opposition look like a bunch of crazies. In any case it is dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!


  1. guess these "constitutionalists" are just asking for a FBI file. is it any different than excercising their right to assembly, free speech? no laws were broken.

  2. The definitions of the words right, moral, and intelligent all include a standard higher than what is legal. You have conceded the argument when all you can say is that it isn't legal.

    Legal? Yes. Stupid? Absolutely yes!
