Thursday, January 21, 2010

Liberal Reactions to Scott Brown's Victory

By now you have heard that Scott Brown, a Republican, will finish the term started by Ted Kennedy. This political tsunami has brought out the crazy in our friends the lefties. Here are some examples:
  1. The party of teabags and Michael Steele and Sarah Palin wins Ted Kennedy’s seat. Mass voted in someone who’s only platform is to be sure to say no along with the rest of the repubs. I didn’t really think it possible to dumb down such a large population of a pretty enlightened state, guess I was wrong.
  2. To all the libs who stayed home in protest. Now you’ve done it. It’s going to be like the scene in Ghostbusters when all the demons and ghosts get released except all the damage will be REAL and it WON”T be funny.
  3. Make no doubt that this is the gist of what happenend today: This guy was funded by the tea party lobbtist and republicans (secretly). This was a big money play to shut down healthcare and the democratic agenda by insurance companies and corporate America.
  4. It’s unbelieveable that the citizens of MA have elected a nude, Cosmo Centerfold, teabbager that thinks he is JFK to the same seat in the Senate where Jack and Teddy Kennedy sat.
  5. Apparently, some people in Massachusetts swore a pact to the devil and the devil said “okay, it’s a deal.”
  6. Ignorant Teabagging Fools, and the Independent Voters who stood up with that pathietic, porn star-wannabe b*.
  7. It absolutely sickens me… to see this solid blue state have some sleazeball, degenerate, scumbag filth republican as their “representative”. I’m even more sickened and disgusted to see Ted’s seat, that he held for decades on end go to this piece of garbage, cookie cutter, bottom feeding, dirtbag republican.
  8. Another STOLEN election.
  9. If sanity is a right wing, bigoted, homophobic Nazi, well…yes I guess there will be sanity. Pretty faces often hide monsters within.
  10. They are chanting like Nazis at his victory rally. Chilling. A glimpse of things to come.
These are the people who are always lecturing us on how smart they are and how accepting they are of differences. The only people dumb enough to believe that are already liberal. H/T Cassy Fiano

1 comment:

  1. what a bunch of hype. one senate seat is not going to change the world. like replacing the son of a bootlegger who made money with his mob friends is something to brag about. if a dem was a model in his early days, fox news would have ran with it. who cares.
