Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Thoughts for a New Year

Some random things I have been pondering:
  1. Why is Washington focusing on health care when people are losing houses and jobs?
  2. Why is the President focusing on health care when we are fighting 2 wars?
  3. Why is anyone focusing on health care when the polls show time after time that over 87% of people are happy with their health care?
  4. Other than liberals, does anyone really believe in global warming any more? Has that hoax been shown up sufficiently that we can now laugh whenever anyone brings it up in our presence?
  5. Is laughter and mockery the best way to handle silly liberal ideas since you can't reason with them?
  6. Other than liberals, has everyone else finally figured out that Obama is an empty suit? An eloquent and good-looking speaker, but pretty thin in the depth department?
  7. Why are liberals so inflexible? They talk about being open-minded constantly but seem to be so close-minded to facts. Feelings - open; facts - closed.
  8. Is the difference between liberals and conservatives two words - common sense?
  9. What really is behind the obsession with health care and global warming that we see among liberals?
  10. Why don't we secure our borders?
What do you think?


  1. i think liberals founded this country. liberals question the 9-11 commission report. liberals want to change the bogus drug policies. liberals want a fair tax. not all liberal thinking is bad.as for the obama deception, he was at the bildeberg meeting along with hillary. maybe she got into his head. global warming is lame, as is the war on terror, nothing more than an excuse to take away our rights. patriot act is lame. if all we have to worry about is an occasional retard burning himself up we should be OK. i would rather have my rights and let the safety part come down to us rednecks with the right to bear arms. god bless America. thank the bush crime family for a lot of this mess. Jesse Ventura for president!

  2. the solution to the war on terror is to have the intelligence services get their act together. as was the case this last time, they were warned and dropped the ball. how did the patriot act prevent that one? fear mongers. they were listening before the patriot act albeit illegally. nothing has changed. fear mongers. later.

  3. "i would rather have my rights and let the safety part come down to us rednecks with the right to bear arms."

    Smartest thing you have ever said. Kudos!
