Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Problem With Liberal Politicians

One of the things that has always frustrated me is the arrogance of liberal politicians who always seem convinced that they know more about everything than everyone (banks, car companies, etc...). Now the President; true to form for liberals, knows more about military tactics than the men who have spent their entire adult life studying the matter.

The AP reports that "President Barack Obama is considering sending large numbers of additional U.S. forces to Afghanistan next year but fewer than his war commander, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, prefers, U.S. officials said."

10 months in office and the President is already smarter than his top commander in the field! Wow! he sure is a fast learner. Can anyone point to an event in history when a political leader was right, and the military commander was wrong like this? I'm not a historian, but I don't remember that being the case since Lincoln overruled some lame generals looking for an excuse. So in the last 150 years, has it ever been true? (FYI, Obama is not Lincoln)

On the other hand, can you remember Presidents overruling generals to everyone's detriment? (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Clinton, Obama, etc....)

1 comment:

  1. military industrial complex. drugs and oil. the war in either country is not about 9-11. wake up america.
