Thursday, November 5, 2009

Liberal Tolerance

Liberals are always preaching to everyone about how tolerant they are. Diversity has become almost sacred in their lexicon. But are they really tolerant, or do they just talk about it a lot?

This Arizona Daily Sun story explains that two 40-something women attacked a 69-year old man in Flagstaff because he held a viewpoint that they didn't like. The story includes this description of the attack.

Witnesses told police that the two women approached Wallace and began to try to take and destroy the sign he was holding.

So what was the offensive view that the man held that merited such treatment? Was it a racial slur? Was he a neo-Nazi with a swastika or picture of Hitler? Was he a Yankees or Lakers fan? No. He was one of the 84% of Americans who believe that access to abortion should be severely restricted.

And I thought liberals loved diversity! I guess that doesn't include diversity of opinions.

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