Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Recent AP Poll

As readers of this blog already know, polls can be big news on condition that they report something that props up liberalism or tears down conservatism. Look at results from a November 10 AP poll that you've probably heard nothing about.

  • 38% of people think the country is heading in the right direction
  • 54% approve of the President to some degree, down from 74% only 8 months ago
  • 46% approve of the President's job on the economy
  • 49% approve of the President's job on health care
  • 39% approve of the President's job on immigration
  • 7 % strongly approve of what Congress is doing
In answer to a question on what the Democrats should do about health care, only 31% said they should go ahead and pass a bill without Republicans. 61% said they should keep trying until they make a deal with Republicans.
Why do you think that you can't find a single significant issue where a majority of people believe Barack Obama is right, yet he has majority support (54% approve)? How can you approve of the man, yet disagree with his positions. Personally I have no problem with him. He has a beautiful family, regularly dates his wife, seems to lead a clean life, etc... My disagreements aren't personal.
If this poll supported the President or Congress in any way, I'm sure it would have been headlines everywhere. Since it doesn't, it gets shelved. Typical left-wing media bias at work.

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