Monday, December 7, 2009

Independent American Party Overview

I know that many people question the wisdom of third parties and their reasoning is quite sound. For a long time I agreed with that logic and still understand why most people would not be willing to abandon the two major parties, feeling that it gives the opposition party an open road with no real opposition. Historically that has been true and it is a very valid point.

But I have learned that there actually is an Independent American Party. Wikipedia writes the following:

The Independent American Party is a Protestant political party in the United States that has several state affiliates. It was founded in 1998. This should not be confused with the Independent American Party of Nevada, the Nevada affiliate of the Constitution Party. As of 2006, only three of its candidates have achieved elected office.

The party traces its roots back to George Wallace's American Independent movement of 1968. They are against the concept of the New World Order, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations. They also oppose secularism, abortion, and the welfare state.

At their 2008 Convention on September 12, 2008, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the IAP endorsed Constitution Party Presidential Candidate Chuck Baldwin for President

I always get nervous when I hear people talking about the New World Order, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. That talk is usually followed by a conspiracy theory or two so I'm going to have to check these guys out. I've read about the Constitution Party in the past and agree with a lot of their positions. So I will check these guys out and report back to you what I find. I'm going to be wary as I do this investigation. There are often nutcases in third party movements; especially ones concerned with the Trilateral Commission.

By the way, this party is not the same as the Independent American Party in California. The name is the same, apparently the affiliation is different.

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