Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Independent American Party

I have spent a number of years increasingly disappointed in the two major political parties in this country. Occasionally I have hope that the Republicans will get their act together, but that usually ends in disappointment. Every once in awhile the Democrats manage to get something right and hope flickers for a few seconds. I have come to the conclusion that each party is more interested in retaining their power base (and in the case of Democrats, increasing their power over us) instead of serving the people who elected them. For that reason I am proposing a new political party - The Independent American.

Now this party would be different from American Independent Party which exists basically for independent-minded people who do not want to affiliate with other parties. The Independent American Party I am imagining would stand for something. In the coming days I will outline my proposal more fully and once I am done, I think you will find that a majority of Americans will agree with my platform. People now registered as Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Constitutional Party members, and Independents will all find much to appreciate in what I will propose. And once it is outlined we will need to organize and find leaders who are not part of the problem. I am done waiting on the two major political parties to be reformed.

Napoleon said that the history of the world has often turned on trifles. Maybe this post will be one of those trifles in American history.

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