Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Liberal Humility

Continuing in the meme of liberal ugliness, have you noticed the total absence of humility among liberals? Now humility is a virtue that is in short supply pretty much everywhere. But among conservatives we see it from time to time. Among liberals there is no presence at all.

There is a phony humility present when liberals apologize for the sins of America such as when Bill Clinton apologized for our history of slavery; or when Barack Obama apologized for American arrogance. Can you remember when a single liberal sincerely apologized for his/her own failings? I can't!

When William Jefferson, Democratic member of the U. S. House of Representatives representing the 2nd District of Louisiana 1991-2008, was caught caught on film by the FBI picking up a briefcase full of $100,000 in bribe money. That's the same congressman who was caught days later with 90,000 of those marked dollars wrapped in foil and put in food boxes in the freezer of his home. How did he respond?

In true liberal fashion he refused to resign, in fact, he refused to withdraw from his next race. And consistent with liberal voting patterns, no one seemed to care. He was re-elected.

He was then indicted on 16 charges of corruption. Did this shame him sufficiently to withdraw from Congress? No. Did this shame him enough to withdraw from his next race? No. At least this time the liberal voters of New Orleans rejected him and he lost his re-election bid.

Having been caught red-handed, did William Jefferson plead guilty? No. In August of 2009 he was found guilty of 11 counts of corruption. Did he finally show an ounce of humility? No. Instead he has instructed his attorneys to appeal.

William Jefferson is not unique in how he handled charges of corruption. This is the liberal template - never apologize, never admit you are wrong unless you can somehow pervert it into an attack on your opponents. It's Saul Alinsky's Rule #8 on display.

What do liberals always do when the corruption charge is against a conservative? Demand apologies, demand resignations, demand, demand, demand - Alinksy's Rule #4.

1 comment:

  1. its not that simple liberal versus conservative. republican/ conservative congressman, governor saying god wanted them to stay in office after affair.... its a power thing. most people are sorry for the consequences of getting caught, not the actual deed itself. airport bathroom boy. conservative.
