Monday, November 2, 2009

Liberal Women

This post actually started out as a reply to a comment that was made on this blog. But my reply started to be so long that I decided to make it a separate post.
I am not the first person to notice that conservative women tend to much more attractive than liberal women. I don't think that is an accident. Among liberal women politicians, I really don't know any who are attractive. Jackie Spears in California was an exception but I don't know of any on a national scale. I think that there is something about the philosophy of liberalism that kills happiness and beauty. I don't know what it is - haughtiness, anger, power, aggressiveness etc... but it usually adds up to ugly. And even women who have naturally beautiful features tend to turn rather ugly by virtue of their politics (see Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, etc...)
Another factor that I think hurts liberal women is that most reject their natural femininity which accentuates female beauty. In rejecting traditionally feminine virtues, feminine beauty is one of the things they sacrifice. The most beautiful and happy women I know are those who accept their traditional roles. Joy and happiness follows these women, and beauty is one of the results. Among women who reject those things; unhappiness seems to be the result. Unhappy people are not beautiful regardless of their natural features. I suspect that is the root of the beauty gap between conservative and liberal women.


  1. democrats /liberals party in the sun more. the liberals pics were totally biased. look at lesbian hillary. there is a more flatering pic out there. palin is hot.

  2. I agree about the liberal pictures being deliberately biased. My points in what I wrote were about non-physical beauty for the most part.
