The President’s reaction to the shooting at
A liberal blogger explained it like this. President Obama "accused Sgt. Crowley of “acting stupidly” by arresting his good ole’ buddy from Harvard for his disorderly conduct". Does this sound like restraint? How about avoiding pre-judging? Apparently the President’s attitude about restraint and pre-judging a situation only applies to political correctness. Since it is politically correct to accuse white cops of racism, he went ahead and pre-judged the situation. But since political correctness is all about liberalism, and liberals have decided that it is not appropriate to equate Islam with terrorism, then we can’t “rush to judgement” about Major Hassan. It must be nice to be a liberal. You make up the rules and change them whenever it suits you. How these people cannot see the rank hypocrisy of their own positions boggles the mind.
In retrospect it isn’t that surprising. It’s simply Alinsky’s Rule #8 on display, although some of us call it a double-standard or even hypocrisy. Liberals call it politics.
did you find the biochemist to psychology jump unusual? something is not right about this one. sure looks like a terrorist attack by a muslim, in our military. spin doctors. both sides play the politcally correct card.