Thursday, August 13, 2009

Clinton Aides in Trouble Again

The AP is reporting that Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff has been charged with attempting to smuggle a knife and tatoo needles onto Arkansas' Death Row. The AP story is as follows:
Betsey Wright, a longtime visitor to death row, was detained May 22 after a guard noticed a small knife and a box cutter attached to her key chain, said prison spokeswoman Dina Tyler. A loose ink pen she had contained tweezers with sharpened edges, Tyler said. Inside a bag of Doritos, the guard found the tattoo needles.
Betsy Wright was Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff while he was Governor of Arkansas and she also later handled the "bimbo eruptions" during his campaign for President. She then went to work for a lobbying firm.

Why is it that so many people around the Clintons end up with legal problems yet the former President and First Lady seem to have very little? While this proves nothing, it does make me wonder what kind of people they really are in private. At best, they are well-meaning, albeit misguided, political opportunists. At worst, they think that they are above the law and have developed this attitude among those who worked with them. My personal view leans toward the latter explanation.

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