Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Conservatives Now Lead in All 50 States

Gallup has a new poll out that has the number of individuals who identify with conservatism as being greater than the number of individuals who identify with liberalism in each of the 50 states. CNS News reports on this survey and the surprisingly quick turn around that has occurred since President Obama has taken office.

What is most disappointing to me is that it has taken a liberal to rally conservatives. Why isn't there a conservative leader who his capable of rallying people to their standard? Ronald Reagan didn't need the Democrats to build support for his views. He did it himself. Barack Obama didn't need Republicans to build support for his views, although he did benefit from Bush-fatigue. He did it himself. Now President Obama is building the opposition with his mismanagment of the highest office in the land.

While I'm grateful that people are coming around to my view of things, I find it mildly distressing that no one has risen up to lead the charge. The closest thing conservatives have to a leader are unelected talk show hosts. I like conservative talk radio, but they aren't leaders - they are broadcasters.

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