Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Silly Liberal Duplicity

Liberals all over the world are calling the painting of a likeness of President Obama as the Joker a disgrace, dangerous, mean-spirited, etc.... Their duplicity would be funny if it wasn't so disgusting. Aren't these the same people who describe crucifixes in urine as art? What happened to their love of free speech? Isn't that the argument behind "art" that most of us would call pornograhy? And a simple painting of a controversial public figure is now dangerous, mean-spirited?

If you want proof of the duplicity of the left go back about a year to when the same thing was done to President George W. Bush. There was a completely different reaction in 2008. It was called funny back then.

So it's dangerous and mean-spirited when a liberal is painted as the Joker, and its funny when a conservative is painted as the Joker? Only a year has passed between the two events. My how times change.

PS Has anyone in the mainstream press pointed this out?

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