Monday, August 31, 2009

535 to go

Rasmussen reports that 57% of Americans would vote to replace all of Congress. Make that 57% plus me. Only 25% would vote to keep them. That 25% is probably the portion of the country that has drunk the Democratic Party KoolAid. Like the 57% of Americans I am sick and tired of the arrogance that members of Congress have toward those who pay their paychecks. Long gone is the day when they understood themselves to be public servants.

Some people will object to what I am proposing because there are some members of Congress who have the right attitude and are trying to do the right thing. They are good people and have been well provided for with the Congressional retirement plan. They will be fine and we will miss them. Unfortunately there are casualties in war. And make no mistake about it, there is a culture war going on right now with the American left trying to impose their values on the rest of us even if they have to sacrifice our freedom to succeed.

So let's start a movement. All 535 members of Congress need to go. Unfortunately we can't vote all 535 members out next year since only 1/3 of the Senate is up for election. But we could vote out all 435 members of the House of Representatives along with 1/3 of the Senate. That would send a wonderful message and reassert the American people's supremacy - something I am convinced needs to be done. Are you with me?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Why I Love Liberals

I love liberals. I think they are misguided, and I am convinced that some of their leaders are evil; but the typical liberal I love. Here's why.

The liberals I have known have all had a good heart. They genuinely care about the underprivileged, taking care of this planet, correcting injustices, righting wrongs, and making the world a better, more peaceful place. How can you not love someone like that?

The difference I have with liberals is how one attains such worthy goals. As a conservative I have the same goals although you would struggle to find that acknowledgement among anything left-leaning. And I believe most of my fellow conservatives feel the same way. We actually share similar goals. To not love liberals would be analagous to not loving conservatives. Believe it or not, we have more in common then our culture (media and political leaders) would have you believe.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Two Predictions (Revised)

I predict that Senator Kennedy will not even be buried before the Democrats will be talking about getting him replaced. He can't help them now. The Democrats currently in power seem to think politics is more important than anything else in life - more important than propriety, more important than the truth, more important than life.

I also predict that because the knowledge that Nazis were Socialists is spreading like wildfire thanks to Rush, Democrats will soon drop the word "Nazi" from their lexicon.

By the way they were Socialists who took over the auto and health industries. Sound familiar?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RIP Senator Kennedy

I certainly disagreed with most of what Senator Kennedy publicly supported but I understand he was a kind and gentle man in his dealings with his intimates. That trait is much more important in the long haul. May he rest in peace.


Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, has tried to minimize the grassroots opposition to the Obama Administration by calling it "astroturf". Astroturf is an "inside baseball" Washington euphemism for a corporate public relations campaign disguised to look like a grass roots citizen movement. By using this term she is attempting to provide the media the excuse they are looking for to ignore the Tea Parties that were held on April 15th, and the voter revolt the Democrats are experiencing in town hall meetings all across America as shown in this YouTube clip.

Her charge is false, the voter revolt started out as a spontaneous grass roots movement that later was joined by like-minded groups. But the truth is not part of how politics is played today. The American media is more interested in enabling the Obama Administration than it is in serving as the Fourth Estate that our system expects it to be. Finding out the truth does not even matter any more to most of them.

Now word comes out that the Democrats are trying to organize demonstrations in favor of the White House agenda. The Speaker is not calling it astroturf, but a genuine grassroots effort.

So let me get this straight. A genuine, unscripted, unorganized (in its initial stages) response to the Obama Administration is astroturf, but a scripted, organized response to them led by the Democrat National Comittee is not astroturf? My head hurts from the changing definitions. Grassroots is astroturf, astroturf is grassroots; can we stick with one definition for a least a day?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Z in Nazi

My entire life the American media has tried to portray right-wing extremists as Nazis. Their standard line is that extremism on the left of the political spectrum is first represented by socialism and if one continues down the leftward spectrum ultimately one arrives at communism; and extremism on the right of the political spectrum is represented by Nazism. WRONG!!!!!

Nazism in Geman means National Socialism, or in other words - left wing politics again! While it is true that the Nazis later aligned themselves with some on the right, they started out as an extreme left-wing political movement.

So the two worst political movements of the 20th century were both liberal movements - communism and nazism. At the heart of both movements was the suppresion of personal freedoms. That is primarily why I oppose liberalism today - it still is about oppressing individual liberty. I have no intention of mildly submitting to its heavy hand.

Bet you never heard that in school. You certainly never heard that in the American media.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Harry Reid

My sister sent me the following. It shows her sense of humor because she is a left-leaning Democrat.

Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California ,was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Senator Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889. Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.

The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory.

On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'

So Judy recently e-mailed Senator Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle. Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:

"Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

Man With a Rifle - Take 2

MSNBC's Contessa Brewer made the man carrying a gun at an event the President attended into a racial thing when she said
At a pro-healthcare reform rally... wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip.... There are questions about whether this has racial overtones. I mean here you have a man of color in the Presidency, and white peopple showing up with guns strapped to their waists or onto their legs.
What Brewer missed is the photo on the left because MSNBC had cropped it (see top of image) so that the man's race was not identifiable. And you wonder why I believe the media is biased.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

$9,000,000,000,000 in Red Ink in 10 Years

The Obama Administration is changing its projections of how much red ink is going to be spent over the next 10 years to a number that is more in line with what everyone BUT the Obama Administration has been saying. As usual they are still trying to blame it all on President Bush, on whom some blame should fall. But it is getting old to hear the administration constantly blame someone else rather than accept responsibility. The buck should stop with the President regardless of party.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Democrat Politicians Are Amazing

When Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, Democrats in the legislature took away from him the ability to appoint people in the case of a senator resigning or dying. At the time they were hopeful that John Kerry would be elected President and they didn't want Romney to appoint a Republican as his replacement.

Now that a Democrat is in office, and Senator Kennedy is near death, guess what they want to do? If you guessed that they want to reverse themselves and give the sitting Democratic governor the authority they stripped from Mitt Romney just a few years ago, then you are right.

Public policy shouldn't be based on short-term political games. It should be based on what is thought to be best for the people. The blatant political gamesmanship of this should turn every American's stomach.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Same Old, Same Old

Didn't President Obama campaign on a theme of change? Then why is he paying off his supporters with this health care stuff? I thought it was about the American people. I'm not surprised, just disappointed.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Canadian Health Care Problems

It is not good to be in Vancouver these days if you need surgery. Apparently socialized medicine isn't all its cracked up to be.

Last week I was in Europe and the British took great offense at the way American conservatives are portraying their 50-year old National Health System. Even members of the Conservative Party were saying how great it is. Today I learned that approximately 45,000 workers call in sick every day in Britian. That story never made it to Sky News last week.

The problem with this issue is that once it become political, the truth becomes irrelevant in many people's eyes. Right now, if you are a Democrat you are probably supporting the President regardless of the facts because you don't want to give a victory to the evil Republicans. If that is true, then shame on you. And the same goes for Republicans in reverse. Truth matters regardless of party.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dumber Than Dumb

CNN is reporting that a man carried an AR-15 to an anti-Obama rally outside of where the President was speaking. How dumb can one be? This either is someone who opposes Obama and is just down-right stupid or its one of Obama's supporters trying to make the opposition look like a bunch of crazies. In any case it is dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb!

Conservatives Now Lead in All 50 States

Gallup has a new poll out that has the number of individuals who identify with conservatism as being greater than the number of individuals who identify with liberalism in each of the 50 states. CNS News reports on this survey and the surprisingly quick turn around that has occurred since President Obama has taken office.

What is most disappointing to me is that it has taken a liberal to rally conservatives. Why isn't there a conservative leader who his capable of rallying people to their standard? Ronald Reagan didn't need the Democrats to build support for his views. He did it himself. Barack Obama didn't need Republicans to build support for his views, although he did benefit from Bush-fatigue. He did it himself. Now President Obama is building the opposition with his mismanagment of the highest office in the land.

While I'm grateful that people are coming around to my view of things, I find it mildly distressing that no one has risen up to lead the charge. The closest thing conservatives have to a leader are unelected talk show hosts. I like conservative talk radio, but they aren't leaders - they are broadcasters.

Monday, August 17, 2009

LDS Missionaries Don't Count

The U.S. Census Department has decided that Utah citizens serving missions in foreign lands will NOT BE COUNTED in the upcoming census next year. Military personnel serving overseas are counted. Federal employees serving overseas are counted but LDS missionaries are not going to be counted.

Normally that wouldn't matter but the last time the census was done in the year 2000, Utah came up less than 1000 votes short of gaining another U.S. Representative in Congress. There are probably 1000 Utah missionaries in Brazil alone! A really bad guesstimate of missionaries serving outside of the United States would have put them over the top.

That year the Clinton administration wouldn't count them. This time its the Obama administration that won't count them. Do you think it might have something to do with the fact that Utah is the most reliable Republican state in the Union? Is this the beginning of the U.S. Government starting a new round of denial of civil rights to LDS Church members as was done in the late 1800's allegedly over polygamy? We'll have to wait and see.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gratitude for Liberals

I am grateful for liberals. Mind you, I still think they are wrong on most matters, but I am nonetheless grateful. Why?

Every political movement needs a moderating influence. That is the problem with dictatorships and authoritarian regimes throughout history. That is the problem with the Obama administration because they seem to want to criminalize the opposition. We hear the President telling the opposition to "shut up". Those tendencies are classic Chicago, gangster-style politics as has been practiced in the Windy City since the 1800s.

Unlike most liberals, I love hearing the opposition's voice. If it weren't for liberals I doubt conservatives would have ever given much effort on the environment, the under class, the peace movement. While I am convinced we have gone way beyond reasonable in most of these liberal areas, I am grateful for their voice because it is a voice that needs to be heard, and these were areas of our American lifestyle that needed to be addressed.

My difference with liberals is not on wanting to hear their voice - that is important. My difference with liberals has to do with when they are in power they have no respect for their opposition, like I have for them. A liberal would never write what I am writing - they just want the opposition to go away. Obama is just more open about it. Clinton tried to shut down the opposition with the "Fairness Doctrine". They too tried to criminalize oppostion. In this they were as dangerous as Obama. The difference is that Obama seems to want it more. Clinton's tendencies in this direction were dangerous, but he didn't push it. I'm not so sure about President Obama.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ed Schultz

Ed Schultz, probably the most successful national talk radio host, who happens to be liberal, claims that conservatives want Obama to get shot! Why is it that liberals are regularly doing irresponsible things like this and no one holds them accountable? Is it because the liberal media actually agrees with them? Ironically, it was Ed Schultz who only a few years ago publicly wished Cheny would die.

Are there some conservatives who want Obama shot? Probably. Were there some liberals who wanted Bush shot? Probably. But I doubt that it was ever more than a very small minority of extremists who felt that way. The public smearing of an entire group of people simply because you disagree with them is really getting out of hand. Remember liberals are the ones who are always claiming how tolerant they are!

I know very few supporters of President Obama. Most people I know disagree with most of his postitions. But everyone I know thinks it would be disasterous if someone were to take a shot at him. I may disagree with the man, but I wish he and his family the best of health.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Clinton Aides in Trouble Again

The AP is reporting that Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff has been charged with attempting to smuggle a knife and tatoo needles onto Arkansas' Death Row. The AP story is as follows:
Betsey Wright, a longtime visitor to death row, was detained May 22 after a guard noticed a small knife and a box cutter attached to her key chain, said prison spokeswoman Dina Tyler. A loose ink pen she had contained tweezers with sharpened edges, Tyler said. Inside a bag of Doritos, the guard found the tattoo needles.
Betsy Wright was Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff while he was Governor of Arkansas and she also later handled the "bimbo eruptions" during his campaign for President. She then went to work for a lobbying firm.

Why is it that so many people around the Clintons end up with legal problems yet the former President and First Lady seem to have very little? While this proves nothing, it does make me wonder what kind of people they really are in private. At best, they are well-meaning, albeit misguided, political opportunists. At worst, they think that they are above the law and have developed this attitude among those who worked with them. My personal view leans toward the latter explanation.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Day By Day Cartoon

Day By Day is a great political cartoon. It has four recurring characters: a conservative Texan, his Japanese-American wife, a black conservative friend, and his liberal fiancee. Today's cartoon points out the recurring theme of bullying by Obama supporters. Remember the Black Panther bullies in Philadelphia on Election Day. They are referenced in the final frame of today's cartoon.

Global Warming

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is reporting that July's temperatures were below the long-term average for the last 115 years. This agency is part of the Obama administration, an administration that officially believes in global-warming.

The evidence that we have been cooling the last ten years is growing, Al Gore notwithstanding. Lets stick to the evidence and leave politics out of it and we might actually get to the truth. Once something becomes political, the truth becomes irrelevant.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

President's Approval Rating

From Drudge we get this graph of the President's Approval Rating from Rasmussen's polling data. It demonstrates a certain trend. His approval numbers are below George W. Bush's at the same stage of their respective presidencies.

Secretary Clinton is a Bit Sensitive

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to be touchy about her husband rescuing the journalists imprisoned in North Korea. She was mistakenly asked what her husband thought about a Chinese trade deal with the Congo. Her defensiveness spoke volumes and was definitely not flattering according to ABC, hardly a right-wing bunch.

I think this reveals the worst thing that feminism has done in America. Rather than being her husband's partner, she appears to be his rival. The institution of marriage is demeaned when spouses act this way.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

SEIU Union Members

It appears that dispatching union members to counter voter outrage at the President's plan for nationalizing health care is getting out of control. Watch this video of black conservatives being roughed up at a St. Louis townhall meeting.


Today's (Sunday August 9, 2009) Day By Day Cartoon perfectly shows how the Obama administration is trying to silence the opposition. From the SEIU union members roughing up people at town halls to encouraging snitching at we are seeing Chicago "ganster-like" politics at its best. Is there a single word of compaint by Katie Couric, Brian Williams, or Keith Olberman? Nary a word.

Joke from Ireland

My daughter sent me this one.

An Israeli doctor says, “medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one person, put it in another and have him looking for work in six weeks”.

A German doctor says, “that is nothing, we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another and have him looking for work in four weeks”.

A Russian doctor says, “in my country medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another and have them both looking for work in two weeks”.

An Illinois psychiatrist , not to be outdone says, “you guys are way behind. We recently took a man from Chicago, put him in the White
House and after six months, half the country is looking for work”.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don Rickles

The following is circulating around the Internet. It is allegedly a comedy routine by Don Rickles roasting the Democrats. Hat tip to Gary.

Seriously, Senator Reid has a face of a Saint - A Saint Bernard. Now I know why they call you the arithmetic man. You add partisanship, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. Reid is so physically unimposing, he makes Pee Wee Herman look like Mr. T. And Reid's so dumb, he makes Speaker Pelosi look like an intellectual. Nevada is soooo screwed! If I were less polite, I'd say Reid makes Kevin Federline look successful.

Speaking of the Speaker... Nancy Pelosi, hubba, hubba! Hey baby, you must've been something before electricity. Seriously, the Speaker may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. She really is an idiot. Pelosi says she's not partisan, but her constituents call her Madame Pelossilini.

Charlie Rangel... still alive and still robbing the taxpayers blind. What does that make, six decades of theft? Rangel's the only man with a rent-controlled mansion. He's the guy who writes our tax laws but forgot to pay taxes on $75 grand in rental income! So why isn't he the Treasury Secretary? Rangel runs more scams than a Nigerian Banker.

Barney Frank - he's a better actor than Fred Flintstone. Consider... he and Dodd caused the whole financial meltdown and they're not only not serving time with Bubba and Rodney, they're still heading up the financial system! Let's all admit it... Barney Frank slobbers more than a sheepdog on novocain. How did this guy get elected? Oh, that's right... he's from Massachusetts . That's the state that elects Mr. Charisma, John Kerry -- man of the people!

You know, if Senator Dodd were any more crooked, you could open wine bottles with him. Here's a news flash, Dodd: when your local newspaper calls you a "lying weasel", it may be time to retire. Dodd's involved in more shady deals than the Clintons . Even Rangel looks up to him!

If you send me good material that pokes a little fun at the expense of Republicans, I'll post it. Political humor is non-partisan here.

California's Birthday

Next month California will celebrate its 159th birthday as a member of the Union. Let's compare then with now. Hat tip to Madeleine.
  1. There was no electricity in 1850.
  2. The state had no money
  3. Almost everyone spoke Spanish
  4. There were gunfights in the streets
Not much has changed.

Chelsea Clinton

Apparently Chelsea Clinton's parents have received a dowry offer from a man in Kenya. The AP reports that the offer is for 40 goats and 20 cows in exchange for Chelsea's hand in marriage. Secretary Clinton has promised to convey the "kind offer" to her daughter.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Political Humor

I love political humor and will post jokes no matter who the target is on condition that it is clean and funny. Here's one I received from a friend. Hat tip to Gary VanderBruggen.

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

"She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be a Republican."

"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."

The man smiled and responded, "You must be an Obama Democrat."

"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"

"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."

Silly Liberal Duplicity

Liberals all over the world are calling the painting of a likeness of President Obama as the Joker a disgrace, dangerous, mean-spirited, etc.... Their duplicity would be funny if it wasn't so disgusting. Aren't these the same people who describe crucifixes in urine as art? What happened to their love of free speech? Isn't that the argument behind "art" that most of us would call pornograhy? And a simple painting of a controversial public figure is now dangerous, mean-spirited?

If you want proof of the duplicity of the left go back about a year to when the same thing was done to President George W. Bush. There was a completely different reaction in 2008. It was called funny back then.

So it's dangerous and mean-spirited when a liberal is painted as the Joker, and its funny when a conservative is painted as the Joker? Only a year has passed between the two events. My how times change.

PS Has anyone in the mainstream press pointed this out?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chicago Politics

I was worried about the Chicago connection in relation to President Obama's election. Corruption in Chicago politics is legendary rivaled only by New York City, New Jersey, and Louisiana. My fear was that this heavy-handed, gangster-like approach that they use in Chicago would come to Washington D.C.

Apparently my concerns were justified. Read this letter from a Congressman to the President's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

What is an American?

A friend of mine sent this in an email. It is explains Americans beautifully. Hat tip to Zaneta Arnold.

An American is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish , Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.

An American may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans.

An American is Christian , or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America than in Afghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.

An American is also free to believe in no religion...... For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
An American lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence , which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.

An American is generous. Americans have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return...........

When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!

As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan ..The national symbol of America , The Statue of Liberty , welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed.. These in fact are the people who built America

Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11 , 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists. So you can try to kill an American if you must.. Hitler did. So did General Tojo , and Stalin , and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself . Because Americans are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tax Hike for Middle Class

Didn't the President campaign on a pledge of a tax cut for 95% of all Americans? I'm pretty sure that the Middle Class falls within that 95%. Now the President's people are floating the idea (these types of statements do not happen in a vacuum, nor without the President's consent) of a Middle Class tax hike. Hmmm, and I was called a cynic by some when I expressed disbelief in the President's campaign promise.